
CLI Symposium Co-chairs

Tomas Cerny
(University of Arizona)

  • ICPC Challenge Chair
  • 2011 Joe BeBlasi Award
  • 2023 Baylor Outstanding Faculty Scholarship

Christian Yongwhan Lim
( / Columbia University)

  • Manager @ ICPC Internship
  • 2023 Excellence in Leadership Award from ICPC North America
  • Trainer @ ICPC North America Programming Camp (NAPC)
  • Judge @ ICPC North America Qualifier and ICPC North America Regionals
  • Site Director @ ICPC North America Regional at Greater New York
  • Head Coach @ Columbia University
    • 2024 ICPC North America Championship Silver Medalist Team (3rd Place)
    • 2021 Greater New York Regional Champion (1st Place)

ICPC Library Track

Nikolay Kalinin
(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light / Codeforces)

  • World Champion, 2020

Riku Kawasaki
(The University of Tokyo)

  • 3rd Place in Porto (2019) and Dhaka (2022)
  • IOI 2017 (Iran) 4th Place, TCO 2022 2nd Place, GCJ Finalist, FHC Finalist

Suhyun Park
(Sogang University / Solved Company)

  • Participated in Moscow (2020)
  • Contest platform developer for Korea Olympiad in Informatics (KOI)

ICPC Compete Track

Antti Laaksonen
(University of Helsinki)

  • Training Finnish students for ICPC for more than ten years
  • Coach of the Game of Nolife team who won NWERC 2015
  • Author of competitive programming books (Competitive Programmer’s Handbook and Guide to Competitive Programming)
  • Main developer of the CSES online judge and CSES Problem Set content creator

Gennady Korotkevich

  • ICPC World Champion 2013 & 2015

Andrey Stankevich
(ITMO University)

  • As contestant: Silver medal in 2000, Gold medal in 2001
  • As coach: World Champions in 2004, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017
  • Chief Judge of Russian Olympiad in Informatics
  • Leader of Russian delegation at IOI
  • Dean of Faculty of Computer Science and Programming at ITMO University

ICPC Educate Track

Yonghui Wu
(Fudan University)

  • Coach

Miguel Revilla Rodriguez

  • Online Judge Manager
  • ICPC Archivist
  • Editor and Translator for the Spanish editions of:
    • “Competitive Programming” by Steven Halim, Felix Halim, and Suhendry Effendy
    • “Algorithms Illuminated” by Tim Roughgarden
    • “Programming Challenges” by Steven S. Skiena and Miguel A. Revilla
  • Involved with the ICPC since 2005

Joshua Andersson
(Chalmers University of Technology)

  • Chief judge of Swedish Olympiad in Informatics
  • Team leader of the Swedish delegation in IOI
  • Prepared over 100 problems using the Kattis problem format, updated over 400 old problems
  • Ranked #54 global on Kattis

Matt Ellis

  • Developer Advocate at JetBrains
  • 20 years of industry experience
  • Current Works
    • IDEs and development tools (e.g., abstract syntax trees and source code analysis)
    • Unity support in Rider

Christian Yongwhan Lim
( / Columbia University)

  • Manager @ ICPC Internship
  • 2023 Excellence in Leadership Award from ICPC North America
  • Trainer @ ICPC North America Programming Camp (NAPC)
  • Judge @ ICPC North America Qualifier and ICPC North America Regionals
  • Site Director @ ICPC North America Regional at Greater New York
  • Head Coach @ Columbia University
    • 2024 ICPC North America Championship Silver Medalist Team (3rd Place)
    • 2021 Greater New York Regional Champion (1st Place)